Attack of the Customers
Why Critics Assault Brands Online and How To Avoid Becoming a Victim
By: Paul Gillin, Greg Gianforte
Published: November 30, 2012
Format: Paperback: 256 pages
ISBN-10: 1479244554
ISBN-13: 978-1479244553
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
"Online attacks by customers, shareholders and activist groups are growing in number and in scope, and many businesses now invite attacks without even knowing it", write speakers and online marketer Paul Gillin; and software company entrepreneur Greg Gianforte, in their eye opening and practical advice packed book Attack of the Customers: Why Critics Assault Brands Online and How To Avoid Becoming a Victim. The authors describe how customers don't take their complaints quietly any longer, but instead utilize the power and scope of social media to inflict real harm on targeted companies and brands; and they share real world proven ideas to transform those attackers into advocates.
Paul Gillin (photo left) and Greg Gianforte recognize the power of social media to establish positive relationships with customers, who in turn become evangelists for the company and its brands. At the same time, however, those sames social media platforms have a dark side that can be deployed to cause severe damage to companies and brands over real or perceived grievances.
Not only are the attackers causing their havoc on their own social media platforms, but they are also going directly to the target, and complaining loudly on the very Facebook and Twitter pages established by the companies to encourage engagement. The authors provide evidence that the companies are not only blindsided by this new reality, but they also lack the knowledge and strategies to counter the attacks.

Greg Gianforte (photo left) and Paul Gillin understand that companies must be prepared for any possible attacks and discover a new way of engaging their customers. The authors outline what brands have done correctly; and also show where misguided strategies have caused the problem to escalate.
The authors divide the book into two major sections. The first section examines the attacks themselves, including who deploys them and why they are motivated to do so. The second half of the book focuses on the proactive approach of building a company that is resistant to attacks through a commitment to doing what is right for the customer.
The authors share their insights in the following areas, that are encompassed in the two overarching sections of the book:
* When customers attack
* How attacks happen
* Studies in social media crisis
* Why customers attack
* The attackers
* Ordance and tools
* Customer as critic: The power of peer reviews
* Mainstream media: Enabler or enforcer
* An ounce of prevention
* Handling an attack
* The attack resistant organization
For me,the power of the book is how Paul Gillin and Greg Gianforte combine a a no holds barred overview of the reality of online customer attacks, with a realistic approach to building a company that is resistant to those attacks. The authors present a well reasoned and balanced approach to the challenge posed by irate customers. The book contains a complete picture of who the attackers are, what motivates their attacks, and how they carry out their destructive campaigns.
At the same time, the authors also point out that companies often invite attacks themselves through a failure to respond to reasonable customer concerns, by not engaging customers in order to build solid relationships, and through a lack of understanding that the old ways of doing business don't work in a social media dominated world.
The authors enhance their concepts through the inclusion of case studies of attacks and responses in in the real world. These actual events illustrate the seriousness of the attacks, and often weak to counterproductive actions taken by the companies. The authors demonstrate the best short and long term approach is to develop a culture of customer engagement where the brands actually listen to their customers, and act on their concerns to the satisfaction of those consumers.
I highly recommend the insightful and proactive book Attack of the Customers: Why Critics Assault Brands Online and How To Avoid Becoming a Victim by Paul Gillin with Greg Gianforte, to any business leaders who are serious about taking a positive and customer oriented approach to the challenge posed by attacking customers. This book offers an alternative to the failed practices utilied by companies who face the wrath of their dissatisfied customer bases.
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